Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Bloody Slow Cup
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Team Glee Glamp in Karijini

Monday, October 17, 2011
My trip to the top of WA... Mount Me..Harry

Since I last posted, I have travelled to Karratha, Roebourne, Exmouth and Mt Meharry. I've seen more of the Pilbara in the past 3 weeks than my entire 8 months up here! It's been fantastic!!
The next day we went to Turquoise beach, I have never seen anything so amazing. You only have to snorkel 10 - 15 m offshore (good if you're a bit wussy...) to see some amazing sights! I saw at least 50 different iridescent fish, a turtle and a big manta ray. Also, you just drift along in a current.... so even better, I expended zero energy!! The boys did see a big reef shark and baby, which ended my snorkel adventure. We actually spent 7 hours on the beach, I still have a sore throwing arm from the woboba and zuper ball! That night we went out for italian... in a restaurant that boasts better cuisine than italy!! It wasn't far off (and I have recent experience...) It was beautiful, and a lovely way to end our weekend. Needless to say, I'm still missing Curo after such a great trip.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Mein Dirndl
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
lazy poster

Sunday, June 19, 2011
A truly HORRID weekend
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Tom Price Panthers
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Mum and Dad crash Karijini
Monday, May 9, 2011
Iron Ore makes for ok fake tan

Just got home form my trip out to the mine and after half an hour of serious scrubbing I am still a tad orange!! I had a really fantastic day though!! It started out at Marandoo where I got shown the whole system. It's insanely efficient, no wonder they're all so rich. They are the smallest mine out here and yet still clear 220 million tonnes of Iron Ore per year... they want to increase that to 330 million... I got to see a 240 cart train being filled, which takes a boring 6 hours... and Iron Ore really just looks like dirt...needless to say 5 minutes there was enough:)
Then a mine lady who has been on the job for 10 years took me for a tour of the pit... I think she somewhat resents newcomers... She managed to make at least 5 sexually derogatory comments to some fellow miners sarcastically calling me the 'pretty blonde girl' ... even though I kept telling her it was Monique. Then a heavily tattooed and pierced girl called Shazza took me for a drive on the truck. She was AWESOME! I sat up there with her for nearly 2 hours without even realising. The diggers filled our truck and we dumped it at the crusher. We also had to cart some hazardous waste, it included some BIF (a form of asbestos). Even though we were in a sealed truck I tried to shallow breath:) (Is this why my snot is so orange?)
After this we headed out to Tom Price mine and I spent a couple of hours physio-ing with Ben. It was a fab day! AND I got paid for it!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Bum Pain

Today I am STUCK on the couch, I literally cannot move my legs... great reason to write a blog entry I guess:)
Gina and I decided to climb Mt Bruce yesterday for an 'exhilarating physical challenge'. Mt Bruce is WA's 2nd highest mountain at 1235m tall (After Mount MeHarry.... I'm sure whoever came up with that name is still laughing...) You literally have to climb over rocky outcrops and there's points along the mountain with foot holes and chain to hold onto. Frightening! We were real adventurers, we even took a 2L water bag to strap to our backs with a water tube leading to your mouth. I thought it was extra good for lazy people like me... I didn't even need to use my hands...woop! It made the group of german tourists along the way look mighty unprepared.. one rather large girl (too much bratwurst!) was huffing, puffing and complaining... and I see why. Her boyfriend was making her carry the backpack and she was wearing slip on flats! Idiots... no wonder tourists get into trouble! It took us 1 hour 50 mins to climb the 4.5kms to the top, and 1hour to return. And as a result, today I can barely move... my bum is killing me! I also didn't last at the pub last night... too 'physically exhilarated'.
I also had a great day on Friday. 3 of us headed out to Youngaleena Community only to find it completely deserted... it was really eerie!! An Aboriginal elder died last week so we think the community may have been out organising something to do with this. Apparently when an Aboriginal funeral comes through Tom Price they close the entire town and families come from all over WA to mourn. So essentially we drove 2 hours out to the community, only to turn around and come home. But, there were highlights! We stopped at the Auski roadhouse on the way home and I had a Pilbara famous 'Auski burger'... probably the BEST burger I have ever eaten!! Secondly, we passed a town called MUNJINA, I just found this name HILARIOUS, I am honestly still laughing! Thirdly, I saw the biggest snake of my life sun-baking on the side of the road. It was as fat as my arm... and stripey. I think it was a Pilbara death adder! And lastly, I got to go home early to relax... FAB! (Although I didn't end up relaxing much as I locked myself out of my house... now who the frig do you call in Tom Price to get you back inside I ask?)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Just my luck

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Yesterday I had an amazing experience at one of the communities, Wakathuni. Every Monday we have 'Waka club', where we try and instill upon the kids their culture, as well look at their reading, writing, fair play etc. An Aboriginal elder, Brendan, came out to speak to the kids about their culture as he is concerned it is getting lost with each new generation. He taught us about the 4 different skin groups in the Pilbara, and who you can marry. This ensures that your blood doesn't become 'too pure' as you can't marry family. The groups are Gurrimarra, Bunuga, Burungu and Milangu. He made me an honourary Gurrimarra:) He also talked about love being made up of three facets, respect, caring and sharing. It was fantastic to be a part of, but also made me realise how little I know about a huge part of our history. I hope this year I can go some way towards rectifying that. And to make it even more worthwhile, check out the amazing double rainbow that arched over the road as we left. I could even see exactly where it landed... I almost felt like looking for a pot of gold. As we drove off all the Aboriginal kids jumped in the car with Brendan to 'chase the rainbow'.
Surprise Visitor

Sunday, April 3, 2011
I just arrived home from a fantastic karijini camping trip! Some friends from Perth, Brosey and George, flew up to meet his sister in Karratha and a whole Karratha crew convoyed down to the gorges... and they picked me up on the way which was pretty nice!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Dinner Guest
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Mons Grylls...

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Spelling Bee
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Phantom of Physiotherapy

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Labour Day Long Weekend

The next day Curo and I decided to 4WD up Mt Nameless. (We weren't 100% sure how to put the car in low gear (it was an automatic 4WD) so I was a bit anxious to start with, especially seeing as it is the boss' car! Driving up was an absolute nightmare!! Some of the path had been washed away with the ridiculously long wet season Tom Price has had... we even got momentarily bogged. I was SHITTING myself, I actually didn't even look out the window. When we got to the top I cried, out of sheer relief to be alive! It was SO worth it though, the view was phenomenal.
We also went out to the lookout, ate at the local Thai restaurant and spent a couple of nights at the pub (mostly drinking with my patients... small towns can be very awkward!). I think Curo's best moment was finishing the 500 piece puzzle I started a couple of weeks ago, and promptly gave up on!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Brian Bush

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Due to unusual weather patterns in the past week and expected over the next ten days, which have led to flooding and rising floodways, all non essential regional road travel by staff is now cancelled.
Please contact your line manager to discuss options if you are not currently in your normal workplace. Staff are encouraged to use videoconferencing and teleconferencing for scheduled meetings.
For clinical services such as clinics, outpatients, specialists services please refer first to your line manager to plan a strategy with the relevant regional executive member.
All staff should be checking the Main Roads - Road Condition website and Bureau of Meteorology Weather and Warnings website for regular updates on weather changes.
OH MY GOD! There was even talk (mostly mine) of me being housed in Paraburdoo for the night. Probably a fair option seeing as my hyundai i30 would likely struggle across the floodways. And to think... I had no clean knickers!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thank you Barney Stinson

I have had an epiphany, after what was probably the worst birthday ever. I always get a bit down on my birthday, but this one was a disaster. Turning (god forbid) 25 was always going to be horrid... a quarter of a century! But I didn't even have friends and family around to console me and tell me I have achieved things in my first 25 years. People couldn't even tell me that over the phone seeing as the reception is still down. All in all, it was a really bad weekend.
BUT... Barney Stinson, who is fast becoming an idol, helped me get out of this rut. And I quote...
"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead... True story !"
and so that's what I'll do. I have to make the most of this experience. How many people can say they lived and worked in the Pilbra for a year. What I will learn here is like no other, so I may as well make the most of it. Being sad is a waste of my time, surely.
I decided to seize this new attitude and take a walk up to the lookout near my house... and look at the amazing view that was waiting for me there
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Me against the Magpie

I have had to find a new route to ride to work! There is one pesky magpie living in the tree near my house. It seems to bide it's time, waiting for me to leave the house. I literally have dents on my helmet from it's attacks! I would NEVER venture out without sunnies, can you imagine?
Do you think this is because I have single handedly killed half of Tom Price's spider population, and thus the magpie's food source? I don't regret it!
Oh god, this just means I always need to be looking over my shoulder!! Mons, the ever-vigilant.
Friday, February 18, 2011
And so begins my obsession with reptiles...
Everyday here something surprises me, here are the top 5 for the week.
1. In order to fit in here you must be pregnant. The average age of the town is 11... which certainly makes it hard to meet people...
2. Everything here shuts at lunchtime... When are working people supposed to go to the post office/bank/bakery? Tom Price. Sleepy town of the Pilbra?
3. Skinny snakes aren't necessarily friendly.... A whip snake caused a lockdown at the hospital on Monday. Like his name suggests he is very skinny, fast and aggressive. He was lurking around the automatic doors of the hospital, and then devoured a lizard! The snake man came and caught him with a hessian bag, just like they do on tv! Crocdile dundee eat your heart out.
4. One of my patients rocked up to the hospital in just boardies... no singlet. Is this normal country beahivour? He also had the foulest cigarette breath, which seemed to linger within his chest length beard. He gave me a lasting headache.
5. I treated my first ever 'high' patient. Although I'm not sure why it is called high? She was so sleepy and out of it. And will obviously experience no benefit from seeing me. In order to get her pain medication, which is integral to her way of life, she needs to be in pain. So nothing I can do will help with that. Win!!
What can next week possibly bring?
Monday, February 7, 2011
The end of my first week...and the end of my phone

By the start of week 2 I'm feeling only marginally better about the grand life choices I have decided to make/ endure.
1. On Thursday we went to Paraburdoo hospital, a place I will service twice a week. I shouldn't go throwing around the word hospital... it only has 2 beds and is built on a station. You literally step outside only to be eye level with a cow! I feel like cows should be friendly, but I'm not willing to test it out. That night it rained SO much, buckets could have been falling from the sky! I did not think the Pilbra would be so green and lush... the side-effects of a great wet-season!
2. On Friday I had to walk to work in the pouring rain. I put my clean clothes in a plastic bag inside my back-pack so I could at least look somewhat fresh for my first ever Pilbra patients. It was quite tricky to get my brain into physio mode after my fantastic travels. What I wouldn't give to be back in Bali or Japan... After work on Friday I went to pick up my bike. In what seems typical fashion for me here, the tyres were as flat as pancakes and the bike therefore unrideable! There was also some form of fury bug that had made a lovely home inside my helmet. That night I played my first game of touch for the 'mad hooligans'... to a phenomenal electrical storm backdrop no less. All the rain has brought in a multitude of bugs. One flew in my mouth... hacking and screaming was not the first impression I was hoping to make with my new team. After the game we hung around for some drinks. Everyone here drinks Bundy in a can... that's when it really hit home that I am not 'home' anymore!
3. On Sunday the 6th of February my phone lost all reception. I couldn't think of anything worse than to lose contact with my family and friends... brilliant!
4. I decided to start a war on spiders. I bought do-it-yourself 'bug-bombs' from Coles and lit them as I left for work on Monday. I cannot tell you how great it felt to vacuum the critters up that afternoon, there must have been hundreds. They were wolf spiders (quite aggressive I hear) and they were HUGE! Literally as big as my palm, I could feel the weight of them as they flew up the vacuum tube... I will sleep (semi) easily from now on! This is also how I came to meet my lovely neighbour, Jean. I didn't know I was screaming so loudly as I vacuumed the creatures up (they are terrifyingly big)... she came racing over to make sure everything was ok!
At least it's interesting here...