By the start of week 2 I'm feeling only marginally better about the grand life choices I have decided to make/ endure.
1. On Thursday we went to Paraburdoo hospital, a place I will service twice a week. I shouldn't go throwing around the word hospital... it only has 2 beds and is built on a station. You literally step outside only to be eye level with a cow! I feel like cows should be friendly, but I'm not willing to test it out. That night it rained SO much, buckets could have been falling from the sky! I did not think the Pilbra would be so green and lush... the side-effects of a great wet-season!
2. On Friday I had to walk to work in the pouring rain. I put my clean clothes in a plastic bag inside my back-pack so I could at least look somewhat fresh for my first ever Pilbra patients. It was quite tricky to get my brain into physio mode after my fantastic travels. What I wouldn't give to be back in Bali or Japan... After work on Friday I went to pick up my bike. In what seems typical fashion for me here, the tyres were as flat as pancakes and the bike therefore unrideable! There was also some form of fury bug that had made a lovely home inside my helmet. That night I played my first game of touch for the 'mad hooligans'... to a phenomenal electrical storm backdrop no less. All the rain has brought in a multitude of bugs. One flew in my mouth... hacking and screaming was not the first impression I was hoping to make with my new team. After the game we hung around for some drinks. Everyone here drinks Bundy in a can... that's when it really hit home that I am not 'home' anymore!
3. On Sunday the 6th of February my phone lost all reception. I couldn't think of anything worse than to lose contact with my family and friends... brilliant!
4. I decided to start a war on spiders. I bought do-it-yourself 'bug-bombs' from Coles and lit them as I left for work on Monday. I cannot tell you how great it felt to vacuum the critters up that afternoon, there must have been hundreds. They were wolf spiders (quite aggressive I hear) and they were HUGE! Literally as big as my palm, I could feel the weight of them as they flew up the vacuum tube... I will sleep (semi) easily from now on! This is also how I came to meet my lovely neighbour, Jean. I didn't know I was screaming so loudly as I vacuumed the creatures up (they are terrifyingly big)... she came racing over to make sure everything was ok!
At least it's interesting here...
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